Take It Easy But Take It

Take It Easy But Take It


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ZOOM / zo͞om / verb: move or travel very quickly

or, as I like to define:

ZOOM / zo͞om / verb: to be together when apart

Because of a global pandemic, the year 2020 will stand out in history as perhaps the most challenging year we, as a world, will have to endure in our lifetime. But even during this era, there is hope—a universal anticipation of a return to normalcy—an idea I wanted to artistically evoke in ZOOM!. This work was motivated by my desire to construct a composition that embodies a word, phrase, or idea that, in part, defines this season. "Zoom" quickly rose to the top of the list, as much of our lives and interaction with people have become centered around the video conferencing platform of the same name. Musically, most of the composition is energetic, moves quickly, and radiates joy. These attributes echo the literal meaning of the title.  The title further reflects the rapid development of vaccines, restoring humanity and adding hope in a time where that sentiment was easily abandoned. The slower middle section evokes the dichotomy of being together while apart: unsatisfying in one aspect, yet, cherished.